Common Septic System and Well Problems

Septic and well problems are devastating issues to have after purchasing a property. Keep an eye out for common septic system and well problems before making a purchase. It is often best to get an inspector who specializes in septic and well to take a look. If you do hire an inspector make sure to … Read more

Inspecting a House for Siding Problems

inspecting-a-house-for-siding-problemsSiding is expensive to replace. Water damage from bad siding can be even more expensive. When you are inspecting a house for siding problems you should be able to spot warning signs that there is damage.

There are pros and cons to different types of siding. These are a few common types of siding and issues to watch for.

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How to Inspect a Roof – DIY Roof Inspection

Replacing a roof is a costly expense. Because a roof is so expensive I have included a DIY roof inspection checklist. Also a few pros and cons for roofing materials, and inspection tips for those roofing materials.

When buying a new house or inspecting your home, being able to spot problems before a roof leak prevents costly problems.

When it’s obvious the roof needs replaced or repaired get several quotes before choosing a contractor. Prices vary by several thousand dollars. Make sure your contractor is licensed and insured.

Roof Inspection Checklist

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About US

Thanks for checking out our website! We love sharing our experiences in real estate. OUR STORY We started as DIYers wanting to improve our own house. But we soon realized we could make money by improving houses. I wish we would have viewed it as an investment opportunity earlier in our lives. It took us … Read more